I began speaking outside of church about 10 years ago, beginning with yoga studios. I have spoken at Wanderlust, the Sun Valley Wellness festival and at a TEDx events at Burning Man and Klagenfurt, Austria. My talks are on Christian spirituality as well as how to live with less fear and judgement and more love in our lives.
Changing the World With Love, Just Be Yoga teacher training, November 2019
TEDx Klagenfurt, Austria, June 17, 2017
Sun Valley Wellness Festival, May 25, 2017
Just Be Yoga teacher training, May 6, 2017
Sun Valley Center for the Arts presentation on meditation and prayer, April 18, 2017
U.C. Davis, Episcopal Province VIII Campus Ministry Conference, Keynote Address, Spirituality and Activism in the Trump Era, March 31, April 1
Sermon after 2015 Burning Man (my most popular video, viewed over 36,000 times)
Just Be Yoga Teacher Training 2016 (Focuses on letting go of fear and judgement)
Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group 2016: Burning Man for Buddhists
Sun Valley Wellness Festival 2016: Burning Man
Zuda Yoga Studio Teacher Training 2015 (Introduction to Christian spirituality)
Sun Valley Wellness Festival 2015: Jesus as a Yogi
Zuda Yoga Studio 2013: Jesus and the Gays
Wanderlust 2013: Jesus the Yogi, With Lama Brandy Davis